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Getting Creative with my Handwriting

What? Handwriting analysts can find over 5,000 personality traits just by looking at my handwriting? Whoa! This information has my eyes popping and my mind twirling. Today’s writing prompt, asks bloggers to simply respond to the word handwriting . It would appear that the stars of blogging have been aligned for me because I’ve been trying to improve my handwriting and today’s prompt is just right.

My handwriting is poor. I’ll even say that it is terrible. It can look pretty mangled, especially if I am in a hurry. I mix printing with cursive all the time. Sometimes, I’m embarrassed because of the quality of my handwriting. At times it is so bad that I struggle to read my own notes. Okay, enough of the beating up on myself; I’m taking action to get neater and more legible handwriting.

As I write this post, I fondly recall the note my professor wrote on one of my in-class essays, she scribbled, “bad handwriting”. Hmmm…I decided to have a bit of fun with it, so I sauntered up to the front of the class and whispered to her, “it’s hard to read your comment, what did you write”? Needless to say, we both had a good laugh.

The picture I’m including today is the product of one of my “practicing my handwriting” sessions. I discovered that with a few curved lines and a bit of playfulness, I could have some fun with my ABCs. The teacup is my creative expression of the lowercase cursive ‘S’. Are you able to see it? I’ve taken the risk of putting a sample of my handwriting! I hope you focus on my words “when I give my best, my best becomes better”, more than my handwriting! Of course, if you are inclined to send me an analysis of my handwriting, that will be great.

What would you like to share about your handwriting? What are your thoughts on those 5,000 personality traits?

Thank you for visiting and commenting!


Elaine’s Cursive Lowercase S

17 thoughts on “Getting Creative with my Handwriting

    • My children tell me that my handwriting is poor! As a family, we often leave notes on the kitchen counter and lots of times I hear, “mommmm, I can’t read your handwriting”. Now about cleaning the room, children tune out to those words before we’re even finished with the sentence:) Thanks for stopping by, Bennett.

  1. That was a funny story and the only way to improve handwriting is practice. I admire beautiful penmanship but also need practice.

    • Ooooh! This is the first time I’m hearing this and I just love it.
      Yes, I’m going to embrace the idea that I have my very own font.
      KB, let me say thanks again for giving me a sample of your handwriting for my avatar:)

  2. I’m a lefty through and through. Even before the stroke, I was so right-brained it took me several tries to learn how to use a pair of scissors with my right hand. As a lefty, writing is a huge challenge unless you know how to write in Hebrew (which I don’t). Back in high school I finally decided to stop curving my arm around so the curve of the letters would go to the right. Instead, I angled the paper to the right. This, of course, meant the curve of the letters are going the wrong way, but my cursive was legible and actually kind of pretty. It also increased the speed I could write. Important for the essay answers in school.

    I’ve gotten sloppy over the years. I should practice my penmanship again.

    • Ah, Danellajoy commented that she developed her own writing style. How about if we say that the curve of your letters is your unique writing style? I think I’ll try writing with my left hand and see what happens.
      Using a scissors geared for right-handed people must have been awful! Do you have now have lefty scissors?
      Have a great week of writing, Glynis!

      • I can’t find lefty scissors. I’m sure they’re available in some catalog but they aren’t in the stores. A good pair of utility scissors usually will work for me so it isn’t a big deal.

        You have a good week too, Elaine.

  3. Oh the stories I could tell!!! I am a lefty! I had huge difficulty at school learning to write cursive with ink pens… ahhhhh the failure still lingers.
    Hand covered in ink and smudged words everywhere.
    I had to develop my own style writing which I still do to this day.
    I’m sure it looks awkward to people watching me write and it’s not cursive but hey it’s legible!!

  4. I love your handwriting exercise, Elaine! I’m a huge fan of handwriting, specifically cursive. It makes me sad that it’s no longer taught in school. Children today can’t read cursive. How will they ever read our historical documents? Sigh…

    • I’ve got to dedicate time to the art of cursive handwriting,Jill. cursive handwriting is in the curriculum for some school districts, but with the pressure of high stakes testing, cursive handwriting practice often gets pushed aside. Happy weekend to you!

  5. Oh, Elaine, your handwriting is elegant compared to mine. I can make out words in your writing. I hope one of those 5,000 personality traits is ‘discombobulated’ cause that’s what I’d need.

  6. I smiled at this – for many years ago when I was looking to find different and better ways to express who I felt myself to be becoming – I ‘improved’ my handwriting. I have to admit I’ve settled into a slightly haphazard [or relaxed] version of what I found for myself back then. But it is uniquely mine! I think the things the ‘experts’ pick up on – if they are really good at their expertise that is – are the unconscious things that we can’t control so much. One of the things I discovered about my own handwriting as the years passed was that where it once had a tendency to tilt slightly backwards [indicating a need to control and a fear of revealing too much about myself; and some say a fear of the future which also fitted the me of then] as I discovered the power of positivity and settled into living my life that way I see my writing now has a slightly forward tilt. It’s not anything I have done consciously.

    It’s so interesting isn’t it! I was inspired a couple of years ago to include samples of my own handwriting into my art works – I had always used stamps or stencils previously – as I kept reading about how samples of our own handwriting are slowly disappearing from the world as we do more and more on the computer. Another friend of mine has also recently started sending handwritten snail mail around the world – just to re-ignite the art of letter writing. I really like that idea!

    I like your sample of hand writing – and I like even more the teacup you have drawn inspired by the cursive ‘s’. Keep going for you never know where any step will lead – and as long as we are moving forward, we can only get better! xoxo

    • Pauline, it’s indeed interesting how your handwriting evolved to show that you discovered the power of positivity. I have handwritten letters from about 30 years ago, I ought to take a look at my handwriting and see how it changed. Before doing that though, I need to take a much closer look at what the experts say of the formation of letters and what they mean. I suppose that there are a slew of websites with this information.

      It’s good to know that you’re including your handwriting in your works of heart to help keep this expression of ourselves alive. Kudos to your friend who has taken on the challenge to send handwritten notes around the world; I am behind her in this mission.

      My daughter loves to write handwritten notes. From thank you cards to one-liners on receipts at restaurants.

      Yep, as long as we are moving forward, we will get better! Have a great weekend.

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